Monday, December 16, 2013

Mice and Men Hit the Road!

READING: Read through Chapter 2 (they are not numbered-- finish the second chapter) by WEDNESDAY, December 18th, at the beginning of class.
Here are the few things we have worked on in class so far:
Pre-Write/ Journal--
Write/construct a graphic organizer (Venn Diagram) that details your ideas about the PAST and PRESENT features of "The American Dream."
Where the Dream started: Roots of the phrase "American Dream"
Robert Burns poem the inspired the book's title: To a Mouse...
Read the first three pages and then complete this assignment: Analysis of Mood paragraph.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Huck is off to the Territories!

The last pieces of our study of Huck Finn are in the list below--
Hope you had a great ride down the Mississippi, because this is the last "happy ending" you are likely to encounter this semester (okay, for the rest of the year-- more's the pity!)
Menu Assignment ( in case you have been gone for a long time!)
Menu Grading Rubric
Realism Lecture: create Cornell notes, in your own words, on this in formation. Essential Question: What is Realism?
Sentence Structure--What clauses are and how they work together: Power Point about (Santa?) Clauses

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Rollin' on the River (Symbolically!)

Here is a copy of the study guide that you should complete for Huck Finn. We are working on it in class-- be thorough and complete-- confer with colleagues--use all the space you need, even if there is not enough on the worksheet--thanks!
Due: Huck Finn Final Test Day--Thursday, December 5th
Your study guide is your tool for the test-- do it well and you will be prepared perfectly!

Here is vocabulary assignment we are working on in class on Tuesday and Wednesday:
Vocabulary Menu
If you have been absent, please do this assignment on your own and turn it in to me--thanks!
P.S. Reminder about Satire