Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Break it!

I hope you have a wonderful Spring Break and enjoy every minute of it! Reminders:

Think about and work on your semester project, but there are no other assignments for the break time-- Scrapbook requirements

The Things They Carried

These Writing Tasks Should be DONE:
If you were absent on the day we did them in class, you can bring them in on the first day you return from Spring Break, but no more extensions, at all, absolutely, we need to move on.
Writing for "Rainy River"
Critical Read/Writing for "The Things They Carried"
Writing for "How to Tell a True War Story"
Have a blast!
Mrs. Eddy

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Lots of Stuff to do!

We started The Things They Carried, by Tim O'Brien, this week, and we got a schedule ready for the semester project Here are some useful links:
Semester Project Pieces and Deadlines Check out all these dates and write them somewhere where you will not forget!
Literary Scrapbook Option
Project Proposal - DUE MONDAY
Critical Reading practice and writing assignment: First chapter of TTTC
Second Write: "Rainy River" chapter
Homework: Finish reading through "Rainy River" ( through page 61) by Monday.