Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Here's the Week in Pre-view/Review!

Monday, September 19th: finished brainstorming the essay we are writing as part of the Essay Reading/Writing Pre-Test
Tuesday/Wednesday, September 20/21:
Journal Write about the book we are reading
FINISH first draft of essay (handwritten): do this outside of class if you didn't finish in class.
Thursday/Friday, September 22nd/23rd: 
Type up your second draft on the Chromebooks-- use revisions you made on your handwritten draft-- then type it up, further revise and EDIT for spelling, capitalization, grammar, punctuation, etc. as you perfect it after revision.
DUE MONDAY, September 26th: A printed our version is DUE MONDAY WITHOUT FAIL. to print here at school, you will have to log onto your google stuff on a school networked computer (I have six in the classroom, the library has more) and print. OR, If you can print at home over the weekend-- perfect!
PEER REVIEW: Monday, September 26th you will have two students of your choice review your essay and you will review theirs, following a form you will get in class (a copy is attached here). If you need to revise after peer review, you may do so. FINAL essay, with all drafts and brainstorming attached to the back, is due on Tuesday or Wednesday (whichever day you have this class on) next week. NO LATE PAPERS THIS TIME (unless you have a documented emergency). If you are sick-- send it to me as an email attachment-- thanks!
Mrs. Eddy
Peer Review Form

Monday, September 19, 2016

sorry this post is late!

Here is what we did last week:
Essay read/write pre-test: We finished analyzing the essays assigned in class and began pre-writing/brainstorming our own essay based on one of the prompts. I fyou were absent, ask Mrs. Eddy for a copy of the essays. we also began reading our "choice" books and we spent a little time finding  about about how many words/pages we read (how fast) in order to think about how long it would take to read the book we are currently reading.
Essay evaluation sheet
September 12 Lesson
September 13/14 Lesson
September 15/16 Lesson
The Writing Process

Friday, September 16, 2016

New Stuff Coming!

I will post everything from this week later tonight-- Friday.
Have a great weekend!
Mrs. E

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Starting Reading Program and Essay Pre-test!

Here are the agendas from Monday and Tuesday/Wednesday of this week

September 12th
September 13/14
Essay Pre-test (we will wok on this through this and next week )
Do You Read Enough to be Successful?

Friday, September 9, 2016

Explore and analyze: English Skills

Here is what we did the first full day of class-- please come to me if you were absent and have more questions--thanks!
Mrs. E
September 8/9 lesson
OPTIC method for analyzing visuals

Thursday, September 1, 2016


I hope you are excited to get started on your amazing Junior Year of high school. This is the place to come to figure out what you missed or get a copy of assignments for this class.  Please remember to switch to "internet view" or whatever you need to see the whole page if you are checking in on your phone/mobile device. Here is a clink to a copy of the syllabus for starters. Please print it you and tuck it into that place where you keep English stuff. Thanks!
Mrs. Eddy
2016-17 Syllabus